ICYMI: Gov. Evers' 2024 State of the State Address Highlights Teacher Apprenticeship Pilot to Address Workforce Needs

1 Feb 2024


As Wisconsin schools face an ongoing workforce challenge, Gov. Tony Evers' Administration and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Dr. Jill Underly are collaborating on a new Teacher Apprenticeship pilot program set to launch in fall 2024. Gov. Evers announced the pilot last week in his 2024 State of the State Address.

"We must work to retain and recruit talented educators who work every day to do what’s best for our kids," Gov. Evers said. "Recent estimates show only 67% of new educators in Wisconsin make it past five years. Traditional educator preparation programs can be expensive, as they often require unpaid student teaching, which might not be feasible for low-income students, nontraditional students, or individuals looking to change careers. The new teacher apprenticeship pilot program will help address issues in turnover and retention, reduce barriers, and encourage young people to enter the field."

Read the full article here.