Business owners reflect on COVID-19 as normalcy returns to Osceola

14 Jul 2021

News, Polk County

COVID-19 threw a wrench into everyone’s lives, but the impact on small business was devastating.

Or was it? Were there businesses that flourished? Or, maybe, with the new mandates businesses had to do to survive, maybe they’ve seen greater results than expected. 

To get perspective from different fields, The Sun sent out questionnaires on that topic. Responses came from Marsha Hovey at Trollhaugen, Nicole Bartley at The Sleepy Thicket, Sara Haase at Croix-View Farm, Shelby Friendshuh from Wilberg Library, Bob Wolf from Wild River Fitness and Gwen Wright at the Looking Glass.

Changes because of COVID-19

Most replied when asked what changes they had to institute because of COVID-19, hand sanitizer was near the top of the list. 

Read full article.